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Study: Pfizer Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Threefold


As the mass administration of COVID-19 jabs continue worldwide, we’re beginning to see some of the more common side effects emerging. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle. It can lead to symptoms that are similar to heart attacks, such as chest pain, fatigue and irregular heartbeats.1

A large study from Israel2 revealed that the Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab is associated with a threefold increased risk of myocarditis,3 leading to the condition at a rate of one to five excess events per 100,000 persons.4 Other elevated risks were also identified following the COVID jab, including lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes), appendicitis and herpes zoster infection.5

Pfizer COVID Jab Poses Risk to the Heart

The real-world case-control study from Israel included a mean of 884,828 people aged 16 years and older in each of two groups: one vaccinated and one control.6 The increased risk of myocarditis was clear, with researchers noting:7

“The risk appears to be highest among young men. Myocarditis risk increased by 3 times after vaccination. The 95% confidence interval showed that there were between 1 and 5 extra events per 100,000. These numbers are compatible with our data.

Among the 21 persons with myocarditis in the vaccinated group, the median age was 25 years (interquartile range, 20 to 34), and 90.9% were male.”

When myocarditis occurs, it reduces your heart’s ability to pump and can cause rapid or abnormal heart rhythms that can be deadly. Myocarditis may lead to severe heart problems, including stroke, heart attack and permanent damage of the heart muscle.8 In August 2021, New Zealand reported the death of a woman following Pfizer’s COVID-19 jab, which they believe was due to vaccine-induced myocarditis.9

The death prompted the Ministry of Health to issue a statement to ensure “health care professionals and consumers remain vigilant and are aware of the signs of myocarditis and pericarditis” following the jab.10

A number of studies have now found a connection between COVID-19 jabs and myocarditis. In a September-October 2021 case report with literature review, it was concluded that “the outcomes of this case scenario confirm myocarditis as a probable complication of COVID-19 vaccines.”11 Another study from Israel detailed myocarditis following Pfizer’s COVID-19 jab in six male patients with a median age of 23 years.12

A similar study published in Pediatrics13 reported seven cases of acute myocarditis or myopericarditis in otherwise healthy adolescent males. Each had experienced chest pain within four days of receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 jab. Data published in JAMA Cardiology14 by physicians from the Navy, Army and Air Force also revealed a higher-than-expected rate of myocarditis in U.S. military personnel who received a COVID-19 jab.

Doctor Charles Hoffe of Lytton (British Columbia), stated to health officials that his patients had myocarditis and were experiencing adverse reactions from the mRNACOVID-19 vaccines.15 About his young, male patients, Hoffe explained, “They have permanently damaged hearts.”:16

“It doesn’t matter how mild it is, they will not be able to do what they used to do because heart muscle doesn’t regenerate. Long-term, the outlook for this is grim. Each shot adds more. The damage is cumulative because you’re progressively getting more damaged capillaries.”

Officials Advise Against Vaccination of 12- to 15-Year-Olds

Due to the risk of myocarditis, Britain’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) recommended against COVID-9 injections for healthy 12- to 15-year-olds. JCVI member Adam Finn told Reuters:17

“… the number of serious cases that we see of COVID in children this age are really very small. Myocarditis is a long-term issue. There are many unknowns. That makes the benefit-risk ratio really tight for these kids. We don't feel comfortable making the recommendation.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating myocarditis and pericarditis. Pericarditis is an inflammation of outer lining of heart. It is a result of mRNA COVID-19 jabs. More than 1000 cases were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.18 According to the CDC:19

“As of August 25, 2021, VAERS has received 1,377 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received COVID-19 vaccine ...

The majority of cases were reported following mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer BioNTech or Moderna), especially in young men. CDC has confirmed 798 myocarditis and pericarditis cases through medical records reviews. CDC and its partners are investigating these reports to assess whether there is a relationship to COVID-19 vaccination.”

Despite the risk, the CDC is still advising children aged 12 and older to get the jab, and August 23, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted full approval to Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA injection, now sold under the brand name Comirnaty, for people aged 16 and older.20

FDA Lists Myocarditis on Jab’s Prescribing Information

The injection’s approval represents the fastest approval in history,21 granted less than four months after Pfizer filed for licensing May 7, 2021.22 It’s also based on only up to six months’ worth of data from 44,060 people aged 16 and older.23,24 Half of them got the shots and half initially received a placebo.

Pfizer decided to unblind the controls in December 2020. 93% of those enrolled in the trial opted for the injection instead of remaining in the placebo group. The trial is scheduled to last for two more years. Their prescribing information acknowledges the possibility of heart inflammation. As reported by STAT News:25

“The FDA’s prescribing information for the vaccine includes its associated risk of myocarditis and pericarditis, two types of heart inflammation that have appeared rarely among people who’ve received the mRNA vaccines, mostly within seven days after the second shot, health officials said.

Men under 40 appear to be at higher risk than women and older men, with the highest observed risk in boys age 12 to 17.”

Further, in its approval letter for Comirnaty, the FDA orders Pfizer to conduct research to investigate the risk of inflammation in and around the heart, as voluntary reporting mechanisms are insufficient.26

The FDA accepted Pfizer’s suggested timetable for the post-approval study to evaluate incidence of heart and heart sack inflammation, which includes the submission of an interim report at the end of October 2023, a study completion date of June 30, 2025, and submission of a final report October 31, 2025.

Spike Protein in the Jab Is Inflammatory

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,27 has been bravely warning of the dangers of COVID-19 jabs, in part due to the spike protein they contain.

In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection, and in its wild form it’s known to open the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and, Malone said, “is active in manipulating the biology of the cells that coat the inside of your blood vessels — vascular endothelial cells, in part through its interaction with ACE2, which controls contraction in the blood vessels, blood pressure and other things.”28

Malone is well aware of the actions of spike protein, as he worked to identify an effective drug that worked by blocking the action of the COX-2 enzyme, which is a key inflammatory enzyme. One of his papers explained that spike protein, along with another protein from the virus, directly activate the COX-2 promotor in infected cell cells.

He became aware of spike protein's biological activity and alerted the FDA about potential risks in autumn 2020. His FDA colleagues transferred his concerns to the FDA’s review branch, which dismissed his concerns, saying they did not believe the spike protein was biologically active and there wasn’t enough documentation otherwise. The EUA was approved, and history shows that they did so.

It’s since been revealed, however, that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus.29 Blood clots are another serious concern related to the spike protein. According to Hoffe:30

“[It] becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium, which means that these cells, which line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly now have these little spiky bits sticking out.

Blood clots are inevitable because blood platelets circulate in the vessels. Their purpose is to find damaged vessels and stop them from bleeding.

So when a platelet comes through a capillary and suddenly hits all these covid spikes that are jutting into the inside vessel … blood clots will form to block that vessel. That’s how platelets work.”

Hoffe has been conducting the D-dimer test on his patients within four to seven days of them receiving a COVID-19 injection and found that 62% have evidence of clotting.31

Because of the risk of the formation of blood clots in your vessels, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi,32 a retired professor, microbiologist and infectious disease and immunology specialist who, along with several other doctors and scientists, formed Doctors for COVID Ethics, went so far as to say that giving the COVID-19 injection to children is a crime: “Do not give it to children because they have absolutely no possibility to defend themselves, if you give it to your child you are committing a crime.”

As mentioned, due to myocarditis risks in youth, Great Britain’s JCVI is also taking a precautionary approach for COVID-19 injections among 12- to 15-year-olds. Wei Shen Lim, COVID-19 chair for JCVI, stated, “The margin of benefit is considered too small to support universal Covid-19 vaccination for this age group at this time.”33
