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Running Gear Checklist ► Get the Right Gear


Running is all about preparation. GearIt is. You might decide whether your race is successful or fails. To help you make the most of your next race, we’ve prepared a running Gear It's a checklist that you can use. It will help you make your next race successful.

Your running is your most important asset. Gear, there’s one vital rule you should always keep in mind: NEVER run with shoes, clothes, accessories, drinks, snacks, etc. you haven’t tried before – multiple times. There’s nothing worse thanRunning shoesThat hurt? Recently bought socks that cause blisters and a smartwatch that doesn't have a watch. You can find more information at battery.

Therefore, you should try to running gear beforehand & make sure everything works for you!

woman stretching pre-race

Running gear ChecklistThis is:

Clothes to wear while running

Run clothes you feel comfortable in, with which you’ve run longer distances and are sure don’t cause inner-thigh chafing or nipple chafing. These are the essential pieces of clothing you need to have in your running bag.

  • Shorts running
  • Run tight
  • Sports bra
  • Running at the top
  • Base layer
  • Running jacket
  • Mid-layer/hoody
  • Running shoes
  • Socks to runThese socks will be most suitable for you. Some runners prefer compression socks. Choose the most comfortable socks to keep your feet dry, and prevent blisters.
  • Jacket/shirt/sweater plus a Spare a pair of socksYou should change clothes according to your race. You don’t want to catch a cold in your wet clothes.
  • adidas Running appYou can track your progress on your smartphone (or compatible smartwatch). Check that your battery is fully charged.
  • You can run in any kind of weather

It’s all about layeringIt’sYou are better off wearing layers that you can remove than being frozen during your race. In training, figure out the best layering patterns. Some people “run hot” while others “run cold.” Also, keep in mind that you will likely run harder during racing; therefore, wear fewer layers to avoid overheating.

Here’s a good rule of thumb for figuring out if you have your layering right. You should feel just a little cold as soon as you walk out the door. Your body will warm up during running, so you shouldn't be too cold. 

You should also consider weather conditions and where the event will be held. It could get much colder at the top of a mountain trail running race (or multiple mountains) than it is in the valley. The descents may feel even colder. Consider bringing along a light running jacket that you can take on and off depending on your needs. 

Running Accessories

  • You can also use them as mittens, and then throw them away as soon as you get warm.
    Most body warmth is lost through the head, therefore it’s vital to bring a hat or beanie when it’s raining or cold.
  • To keep warm, make a blanket out of large plastic bags. Before the raceIf so, It can be kept in your race bag.
  • If you are running in hot or sunny places, plan ahead.
  • To protect your eyes.
  • Protect your head from the sun. This is particularly important if you are running at midday.
  • If it gets really warm and you’re used to running with a belt including drinks to stay hydrated, bring it to the race, too.
  • Some runners like to carry a water backpack. Stay hydratedInstead of sipping at the beverage stations during the run, drink the water instead.

Run Equipment

Earphones for fitness that perfectly fit your ears & don’t threaten to pop out all the time. Use music to motivate you. Make a playlist for your race, but don’t line up all your favorite songs at the beginning. Mix them up and make sure you’ll get aMotivational booster when you’re starting to feel tired.
Power snacksOder power gelsAlso, sports drinks, which you’ve successfully tried during training (no stomach aches) and which provide you with fresh energy.
HeadlampIn case you have any questions, please contact us. The run begins in the morning or at night — when it’s dark out.
Trekking poles
Safety clipsAnd Reflector strips You can make sure you are visible at all times of the day by covering your clothing.
SmartphoneYou can find more information here track your run & listen to your favorite beats.
MP3 player in case you don’t use your phone.
Sport armband Your keys can be stored on your phone or MP3 player.
Shoelaces that stay secure and aren’t easily loosened – or free laces.
Band-aids To protect your nipples and prevent friction from your shirt. Blistering plaster may also be useful after the race. You need the right sports brashould offer enough protection to women.
VaselineTo avoid friction, rub your butt cheeks, armpits, and thighs.
Two tissues.  One in case your nose starts running (too); another one for if you have to use the restrooms – they tend to run out of toilet paper pretty quickly.
If you’ve got long hair, bring an elastic. You’ll be so glad you did if you lose or break yours. No one wants their hair (long) down.

Post-Race Running Gear

Drink Recovery
Comfortable clothes should be changed
You can use wet or dry wipes, and you also have a gel/shower spray/gel.
Use a foam roller or massage gun
Socks and compression tights

Before your big day, go through your checklist. This way, you don’t have to worry about those things anymore and can focus on mentally preparing yourself and your body.

Races can be twice as fun with the right running gear

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